The National Midnight Star #1083

From: Sender: Reply-to: To: Mail Split By Gateway ------- cut here --------
** ____ __ ___ ____ ___ ___ ** ** / /_/ /_ /\ / /__/ / / / / /\ / /__/ / ** ** / / / /__ / \/ / / / / /__/ / \/ / / /___ ** ** ** ** __ ___ ____ ** ** /\ /\ / / \ /\ / / / _ /__/ / ** ** / \/ \ / /___/ / \/ / /___/ / / / ** ** ** ** ____ ____ ___ ___ ** ** /__ / /__/ /__/ ** ** ____/ / / / / \ ** List posting/followup: Administrative matters: or (Administrative postings to the posting address will be ignored!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The National Midnight Star, Number 1083 Thursday, 6 April 1995 Today's Topics: Rush mix tapes To Lee-rush doing cover songs. bass lines... more bass lines RE: 04/03/95 - The National Midnight Star #1081 Big Money Video (VHS)??? Boot location needed.... RE: 04/03/95 - The National Midnight Star #1081 Sir Comestancis RE: 04/03/95 - The National Midnight Star #1081 Vinyl and Laserdiscs A kind hearted Rush fan (none) A couple of things How to identify trees from a far far way away. #1, The Larch. [rush-mgr] who, what? Does Geddy ever use a pick?! Go climb a TREE!!!! Van Halen List? opening acts Oops!!! Sorry rush-mgr... More TREES... The trees (again) Rocinante's final flight... Rush memorabilia rush-mgr CTTH, Superconductor This and That Misunderstood lyrics Rush moments in other songs tour info and binary The Trees Sense of HUMOR. ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 18:19:33 -0400 (EDT) From: FISHBOY <> Subject: Rush mix tapes Hello, I just want to comment on a thing I've done which I thought was bizarre (well, it is), and was surprised to see a few other people mention doing the same thing. I'm referring to making alphabetical Rush mix tapes. About a year ago I must have been bored or something and started compiling an alphabetical list of all the songs on the studio albums and their lengths. Then I made a tape of the first 90 min. worth. I left it in my car, listening to it periodically for a few months. I've since done this a few more times and I'm up to the middle of the alphabet I think. Aside from being some great road tapes, I found a couple of things from this: 1) It's really interesting hearing some of the less listened to songs out of context. It can give a song its own identity, rather than being "one of the not-so-great songs on album X." Sometimes it gives you a new appreciation, sometimes you come away saying, "that song still sucks." :) 2) Since I've used a cheap type I tape and recorded over it each time, the treble isn't so hot, but the bass is more prominent than I ever hear on my CD player at home. Suddenly bass lines I never noticed jump out of songs from _Presto_, etc. (I've always found that album very tinny sounding - check out the cowbell at the beginning of Superconductor - what a wretched (sp) sound!). 3) You get slapped in the face with the diversity that is Rush, with such song sequences as "High Water" followed by "I Think I'm Going Bald." :) Anyway, I just wanted to share that. I highly recommend making strange Rush mix tapes on cheap cassettes for road food. :) Good day, Andy Acunzo ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 16:29:24 +0700 From: (Michael Richardson) Subject: To Lee-rush doing cover songs. YO PEOPLES!! NO, I'm not going to put you over the flame! I do, however think that it is fun sometimes to imagine one of your favorite bands doing songs by other bands. Nobody's petitioning the guys to play other people's songs live. I don't think that RUSH are the best band ever, but I admire the hell out of every thing that I've heard them play. The other bands listed by the other guy like the who, genesis, and zeppelin are also among my favorite bands. How about this.......... RUSH plays... 'owner of a lonely heart' by yes 'low spark of high heeled boys' by traffic 'watcher of the skies' by genesis. We're not saying that they should play covers live, but just imagine......... -michael richardson university of texas at austin ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 18:20:12 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: bass lines... I feel a certain social obligation to cast my two cents (of course, they're CANADIAN currency) in reference to this thread... Here are mi faves... 1. Working Man-- when it goes berzerk toward the end and does lots of instrumental things that make Rush fans everywhere jump. 2. Turn The Page-- this is self explanatory, if you've heard it 3. Double Agent-- bass and Geddy's voice... and that makes music. Later! John "He's got a road map of Jupiter..." ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 04 Apr 95 19:25:52 EST From: Steven Horwitz <> Subject: more bass lines Some quickie favorite bass lines: (In no particular order) Alien Shore (love the quick bass over the slow lyrics) Turn the Page (If this isn't on your list, you're deaf) Free Will (you have to listen for it in the bridge, but what rewards!) Hemispheres - Prelude (from the individual notes to the jam) The Camera Eye (great "lead" bass in the jam at the end) Best ever, however, might be the jam in the ESL video version of By-Tor and the Snow Dog. Those of you who have it know what I'm talking about. Also: sorry that someone thought the idea of Rush covering other people's music was so offensive. Personally, I would love to hear what 3 talented guys could do with other people's music, both in terms of their musicianship and their interpretive skills. Oh well. The Professor "Wheels within wheels in a spiral array / A pattern so grand and complex Time after time we lose sight of the way/our causes can't see their effe ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 18:27:43 CST From: TEAR THE ROOF OFF THE SUCKER <> Subject: RE: 04/03/95 - The National Midnight Star #1081 In response to Joe's ( remark about Neil being stuck up: YOU WILL BE STRUCK BY LIGHTNING FOR SUCH BLASPHEMY! ---------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: Tue, 4 Apr 95 14:28:47 PDT Subject: Big Money Video (VHS)??? Remember those big yellow volumes that used to live in CD shops that listed every album/single/group in the world? Well, anyways, I'm in Disc Jockey the other day and they've got this thing on line now. So I'm playing around with it and decide to enter "Rush" (of course). It then generated a list of all Rush releases. One of the listings, however, caught my eye - Rush The Big Money [VIDEO] POP/ROCK Dept. No Longer Made Polydor 870 717 Huh? Any ideas? Or have they just got the title wrong and they're actually referring to another video? [ This is probably the Video CD they made a while ago that's now out of print. : rush-mgr ] ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 19:51:53 -0500 (EST) From: ORIOLES FANATIC <PROMANS@LOYOLA.EDU> Subject: Boot location needed.... Good day eh, I have gotten ahold of a foot object. (sorry rush-mrg about the mention of b--ts in the ol' subject header) It is called Rush Live Vol.1 The Cd was made in Australia and comes with no dates or locations. I was hopeing that someone out there in Rush land had this one and knew more about it than I do. Here is the track listing.... 1 Spirit of Radio 2 The Enemy Within 3 New World Man 4 Distant Early Warning 5 Red Sector A 6 Closer to the Heart 7 2112 Overture/Temple of the Syrinx 8 Tom Sawyer 9 Vital Signs 10 Finding My Way It is excellent sound quality and even some odd track listens in that who wrote them. An example would be Closer to the Heart, written by Lee, Lifeson, Peart, and Talbot?! And the other would be Tom Sawyer by Lee, Lifeson, Peart, and Dubois?! Best I can figure is that someone wanted thier buddies names next to the trio and plugged them in. Any info on this Cd would be appreciated! -=phil ============================================================================= Brought to you by:----------> Phillip Romans | -UNIX account- <Loyola College, Baltimore> | -----------------------------I-W-G-B-T-P-!---------------------------------- U2-Led Zeppelin-Pink Floyd-They Might Be Giants-Rush-Tchaikovsky - - - - - - - - - -M-a-g-i-c- -t-h-e- -a-d-d-i-c-t-i-o-n- - - - - - - - - - - ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 20:26:24 E From: Subject: RE: 04/03/95 - The National Midnight Star #1081 This is for Kira who wrote about how she hears Rush in Monster Magnet. I love Rush, don't get me wrong, but Monster Magnet sounds nothing like Rush. If any one group has influenced Monster Magnet, it would be either early Pink Floyd (there is some psychedelia in MM's music) or a more raw version of KISS without the cheezy lyrics. Just thought I would throw in my .02 -Jared ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 20:27:21 -0400 (EDT) From: Tom Beaudoin <> Subject: Sir Comestancis Inspired by the latest NMS, I offer a parody of Circumstances... Sir Comestancis -------------- A knight alone Where is that throne? Thank heavens I'm old enough to use the toilet alone! I feel the knots In my stomach spots I'm into vertigo! Sometimes after this eating Like a lamb my tummy's bleating My medieval roommate Thought that it would be great To make me find some Solo Seating! [music intro to chorus] It's insane! I took my chances On apple pie Tricked by Sir Comestancis In the woods I shouldn't trust him The more I was fed, I should have used my head [music link to verse] Now I've found the prime location To toss that rotten pastry About to heave, the apples want to leave Gee, they sure weren't very tasty In my dyspeptic confusion I want to give that guy a contusion... [music intro to chorus] It's not the same When it comes back out My mouth and my snout! Apple pie recycled! Makes me gag And so I vow revenge The more he will laugh, I'll jab him with my staff. It's insane! I took my chances On apple pie Tricked by Sir Comestancis In the woods I'll never trust him The next time we meet I'll vomit right at his feet. Thank you! Thank you very much. Tom Beaudoin ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 20:39:19 E From: Subject: RE: 04/03/95 - The National Midnight Star #1081 Rahul, I saw your comment about drummers who can destroy Neil. I am not sure such a beast exists. I think Neil is in the same catagory as those guys..oh, and I am a drummer, so don't slag me. I think Neil is simply the tightest drummer I have ever heard. His palying on Tom Sawyer is brilliant. I think his musical ability is eqaul to those others you mentioned (All are excellent). When you get up into that stratified air of precussionists, it is hard to say who is better...they are all so good. I think Neil doesn't get as much respect in the Jazz community as he should just because he plays what is essentially rock music. I think his technique is near perfect and he plays with such precision that you think it is a machine. Just my 2 cents. (Please pardon the spelling, my delete button is broken) -Jared ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 20:42:19 -0400 (EDT) From: MATES PAUL I <> Subject: Vinyl and Laserdiscs Hey all! I just have a couple of questions for some of you knowledgeable people out there. Since I am 19 and of the CD generation, my Rush collection is guessed it: CD's!! Well, I want to collect all of their albums on vinyl. I already own Archives and a picture disc of Hemispheres. My question is, which albums are double or triple fold-outs, which have posters included, etc. A while ago, someone posted saying that he picked up ESL (I think) only to find out that it was a later reprint which omitted some of the original artwork. Why the hell would record companies butcher Rush albums like that? The fools! Also, there was a thread a few months back relating to people's ESL laser discs "rotting" and thereby losing their video quality. The only place that I have been able to find Rush laserdiscs is on the net at CDNow! and they have some Japanese import "reissue" of the laserdisc for $75. Does this mean that it's the "new and improved" version of ESL or is it an evil bootleg. Please help! You can e-mail me directly or you could always post and let us all know what the scoop is on these pressing questions! Faithfully in Rush, Paul Mates "Rotate the pod please, Hal."-2001 ---------------------------------------------------------- From: "Randy Marquis" <> Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 21:14:41 EST Subject: A kind hearted Rush fan Hello fellow Rushiods, Since we've been having story hour on some of the recent NMS's, I'd like to throw my .02 in. Rush came to the Worcester Centrum (in MA) for the Cp tour. That you know. What many don't know, was that this was in the dead of a New England winter. In other words, darn cold! Nonetheless, myself and two of my hearty friends decided to be the first in line at the local Record Town, which houses a Ticketmaster branch. We wanted great seats, and neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet (you get the idea) was going to keep us away. Tickets went on sale at 10:00am on a Saturday morning. We met at my friend's (Tim) dorm at WPI at midnight, figuring on grabbing 5 hours of sleep, and then making the short drive to the mall. Tim's roomate had other ideas. He walked in at about 3:00am, and upon discovering the 3 of us (who were, thankfully, still wide awake), made a bolt for the door to try to beat us to the first spot in line. Since he had to grab a friend of his, we beat him to the car, and took off, with him right behind us. Well, I thank a higher power for the red light that trapped Tim's roomate behind us, and we cruised into the deserted parking lot, first in line for our beloved seats. Now just one problem. We had a SEVEN hour wait until the doors opened, and it was VERY COLD. We persevered in the cold (a.k.a. at the door) until a security guard made Tim's roomate confess that we were indeed first. We piled back into the car to warm our entirely numb bodies. All most all was solved, except that Tim was set to pick up his girlfriend at 8:00am. We knew that it if all of us left, no way would we keep our spot at the front of the line. My other friend (Jeff) and I agreed to stay. We thought about trying to seek shelter in Tim's roomate's car, but he was still sore at us for beating him there. Luckily, one other die-hard had showed up and we gained refuge in this kind hearted Rush fan's car (thus the title). Anyway, all's well that end's well, as we got 20th row seats (not bad for a group of 6), and had a great time at the concert. All in all, 30 hours of no sleep and the threat of frostbite did not keep the Rush heads from from getting great seats. And I wonder why people think I'm a bit whacked in the brain. I guess the moral of the story is: I really hope Rush shows up in the summer next time! Thanks for reading my ramble, Randy P.S. Would I do it again? I read the NMS don't I. . . ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 21:55:03 -0400 (EDT) From: Paul Greenberg <> Hi, I have been a subscriber for about a month and for awhile I was unable to think of something unique that I could write about relating to the band. However, I recalled an event that happened 3 years ago, one month after attending a Roll The Bones concert. I was at Six Flags-Great Adventure with a group of friends and I noticed a few people were dressed up as the Looney Tune cartoon characters. On that day, I was wearing my Roll The Bones shirt and someone who was dressed up as Sylvester the Cat came up to me. At first I thought this person wanted to shake my hand but I realized that has was pointing to my shirt and giving me the thumbs up sign. I feel that no matter where you go there are strong die-hard rush fans everywhere. What I find unique about being a Rush fan is that there is a strong following, a following that is as strong as the Greatful Dead. If I was wearing a Pearl Jam or Van Halen shirt, I could not imagine somebody coming up to me telling me that I had good taste in music. I would probably be seen as a regular individual. P.G. ---------------------------------------------------------- From: "Randy Marquis" <> Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 23:20:42 EST Subject: A couple of things My fellow Rushoids, Boy, I sure have been posting a lot lately. What can I say, I always got to get my .02 in! To Chris Pardua: Nope, looks like this time I'm wrong. Bruford did indeed play drums on "Seconds Out," one track called "Cinema Show." Goes to show you what I get for not checking my sources. . . I want to make a suggestion for future Rush mixes. Dig out your old concert playlists and put the studio recordings onto your tapes. Even mix in a few live cuts (like "YYZ" from "Exit. . .Stage Left" for Peart's drum solo). I did this for the "Counterparts" tour, because I had just gotten into Rush, and wanted an easy way to learn some lyrics, and familiarize myself with songs they'd be playing (most taken from the "Chronicles" comp.). But it will work for even the most devoted Rush junkie. This way, the band has already made some tough choices for you. . . Ciao! Randy ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 23:23:06 -0400 (EDT) From: Charles J McDonald <> Subject: How to identify trees from a far far way away. #1, The Larch. No, this is not my first post but it's been awhile. . . I always thought that the Oaks and Maples in "The Trees" was an allusion (or would it be an alligory) to racial background. Kind of a Black/White equality thing. I mean, Maple is a dark colored wood and oak is fairly light colored and the song was written at a time when prejudice ran somewhat rampant. (Like it doesn't now?) Well, we've made much progress.) So am I completly unorigional? Oy. . . ================================================================== ("Look in, to the eye of the storm |Charles J McDonald ) ( Look out, for the force without form |Chemistry Department ) ( Look around, to the sight and sound |Mount Pleasant High School ) ( Look in, look out, look around" |Providence, Rhode Island ) ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 00:18:48 -0400 From: Subject: [rush-mgr] who, what? >(*) New nickname for the rush mgr: Cygnus, God of Balance - hey, he keeps >the perfect balance of heart and mind in the sphere of NMS (corny, >I know) Thanks for the great job! > > [ "he"? : rush-mgr ] Excuse me, but just what are you getting at here, rush-mgr? I've only been around for a short time, so I don't know anything about you ... or does anyone? Maybe your real name is Neil Peart. Or maybe you are Alex's wife, or Geddy's son, or ... maybe you're a UNIX system :) The important thing is, you're providing a great means of entertainment for many people. [ I'm actually my friend's iguana.. :-) : rush-mgr ] Thanks! -Norm BTW, I've been kind of curious, how many subscribers are there to TNMS now? [ Officially, around 3700. Unofficially (including redistribution lists and local newsgroups) I'm sure it's well over 4000. : rush-mgr ] ---------------------------------------------------------- From: (Rit Jackson) Date: 4 Apr 95 14:48:50 Subject: Does Geddy ever use a pick?! I guess it's standard for first-timers to introduce themselves, so here goes - I'll keep it brief... My name is Matt Claflin and I attend The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, V.A... There... Anyway, I have a very important question that I NEED someone to answer for me... You see, last weekend, I bought a bass pick from a really close friend - he claims that it was Geddy's pick, which was thrown into the crowd during the Counterparts tour... Apparently, the girl that caught it, who was infatuated with my friend, gave it to him... Naturally, I HAD to have it, so I gave him $37 for it... There's no way that he'd ever rip me off - I know that for sure - but someone mentioned in a previous post that Geddy doesn't use a pick to play his bass... Can anybody out there make me feel better and tell me that he does in fact use one for SOME songs... Thanks... ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 01:31:07 -0700 (PDT) From: "Janss L. Adams" <> Subject: Go climb a TREE!!!! Greetings all- I want to comment on the overanlyzing of lyrics to The Trees. People have been going back and forth about domination vs. submission and Oaks being taller than Maples or vice versa...etc. Come on- Neil was probably on drugs when he wrote the damn song...probably on acid or something and sawa some trees attacking each other. This struggle to know the true, exact meaning/origin is pointless and leads right back to "individual interpretation"- which is what songs/art/etc should be judged by. Someone in a recent issue of TNMS interpreted parts of A Ghost of a Chance to adhere to his/her religious beliefs. That's fine- whatever helps that person sleep better is OK with me. I don't interpret the song that way, but who cares? Individual interpretation is great- It's what makes one Christian believe and practice tolerance/non-violence and another Christian feel justifed in murdering abortion doctors. -You get my meaning- "Why are we here? Because we're here. Roll the bones!!!!" "Why is E. Van Halen washed up? B/c he is. Roll the bones!!!!" "Why did Hitler kill Jews? B/c he did. Roll the Bones!!!!" "Why ask why? Got me. Roll the bones" ________________________________________ "Now it is dark." j. ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 05 Apr 1995 13:21:50 -0400 (EDT) From: MARLOWE <MARLOWE.psd@NAVAIR.NAVY.MIL> Subject: Van Halen List? Subj: #2(2) 04/06/95 - The National Midnight Star #1083 Date: Thu, Apr 6, 1995 5:29 PM CST From: Sender: Reply-to: To: Mail Split By Gateway ------- cut here -------- I know this has no RUSH content but could someone please Email me the details on the Van Halen mailing list? ================================================================= "No matter where you go, There you are." - Buckaroo Bonsai Dan Marlowe ================================================================= ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 05 Apr 95 08:27:32 EST From: "patrick widener" <> Subject: opening acts On the opening acts discussion: Macauley-Schenker (sp?) Group. You wanna talk about bad opening acts, there's a bad opening act. Those guys sucked BIG rocks, the kind you find at the bottom of ponds in parks with moss and fish crap all over them. Anyway, on more directly Rush-related content: I picked up (in Staunton VA, of all places) a "rare live recording" of Rush called Closer to Our Heart. This was a single disc taken from the 3/9/94 show at Madison Square Garden, NYC. I suspect this is a condensed version of the Closer To Our Heart 2-disc recording mentioned in Meg's list of rarities. Audience recording, pretty good sound quality; you can hear individual audience voices at several points. Track listing (in case anyone cares): 1. Intro/Dreamline 2. The Spirit of Radio 3. The Analogue (sic) Kid 4. Cold Fire 5. Time Stand Still 6. Nobody's Hero 7. Roll The Bones 8. Animate 9. Stick It Out 10. Double Agent 11. Limelight 12. Mystic Rhythms 13. Closer to your house (well, you know what I mean) 14. Show Don't Tell Here's hoping Rush decides to do Grand Designs on the next tour. And Open Secrets. And I Think I'm Going Bald. (might as well wish for the Sir Gawain & the Green Knight/Tough Break medley, eh?) "I'm Patrick Widener, you're listening to Radio Free Lerxstwood, and..." "...this is The Spirit of Radio." -- me and Geddy on the air --------- patrick widener "'CORONATION,' Starscream? This is BAD COMEDY!" - Galvatron ---------------------------------------------------------- From: "Colin Wright" <CLW@NERCA.NERC.COM> Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 09:30:11 EST Subject: Oops!!! Sorry rush-mgr... My apologies to rush-mgr. I just assumed that you were a "he", and you know what happens when someone ASSumes (old joke, I know. And, no, I'm not calling you an ass!) Just that old sexist, male-chauvinist side of me peeking through! Guess this just adds to the whole argument about female Rush fans - Yes, they're out there!!!! I can hear Ren Hoek now calling me an "eediot!!!" Again, my apologies, and keep up the great work! Clw P.S. YKYARFW: The college you're attending has a major in Natural Science - and you make it YOUR curriculum!!! (yes, I did) ---------------------------------------------------------- From: (George Rogic) Subject: More TREES... Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 10:06:50 -0400 (EDT) Hey All: My slant on THE TREES debate is this... See, it starts out with this acoustic guitar bit, kind of classical sounding. Add a little vocal verse in there and then BOOM! It it kicks in... The music starts to jam and goes from verse to chorus, etc. It then practically stops, save for a little Mini-Moog doodling and wood block playing (kind of sounds like a woodpecker going at it, doesn't it?) Then a couple of power chords... Geddy gets a little bass solo-esque moment then Alex rips into his solo. Then a beautiful interplay ensues between all three members with Alex getting little staccato fills in between the ruckus. Back to a verse and the song ends... With birds tweeting... That's the way I see it... \:^) -- "Pretty, pretty Doctor Smith..." -That goofy green lady from 'Lost In Space' ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 10:15:35 -0400 (EDT) From: "Eric J. Mcclanahan" <> Subject: The trees (again) You want to know what I think about the story to this song?(te-he) I think that the trees were having this awful dispute over who should have more, less or equal sunlight, when some mall/parking lot contractor/builder came in and interupted the whole thing without even a batted eyelash! At least thats the way it happens in real life, no need to kepp things uniform if we are going to cut it down anyways. Eric ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 5 Apr 95 14:38:39 UT From: Peter Chestna <> Subject: Rush memorabilia I have decided that it is time to part with a few of the things in my collection... The following two items are open for bidding: 1. First Single - Not Fade Away/You Can't Fight It Mint condition, has rare red promo stamp To my knowledge only about 150 were ever made. 2. Neil Peart Tama Tapestry - 6 feet high and 3 feet across This was available around moving pictures time. You got it free for buying a five piece drum kit. Needless to say, I didn't get mine for free. The tapestry is of Neil floating on a raft on a lake playing his drums. Truly AWESOME!!! There will be open bidding on these items until one of two things happen: 1. I get a bid that I like. 2. I get tired of waiting for a good bid and choose to sit on the items a few more years. I know some of you won't understand how a Rush fan could part with such cool stuff, but I have had them and enjoyed them for several years and now that I have a child, other things have taken priority over collecting. These things, along with a TON of other stuff has been collecting dust for some time now and I think maybe someone else should enjoy them. I got the biggest thrill out of finding these two items, each of which took me several years to locate and purchase, and maybe now someone else can have the thrill of owning these pieces of Rush history. I am still one of the biggest Rush fans you could ever meet, but now the Music is the only important thing to me, that and the fact that I once owned the above named items!!! Good luck to all! Pete ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 05 Apr 1995 08:58:45 -0600 From: Mindy White <Mindy_White@Novell.COM> Subject: rush-mgr Just a brief note that may be a repeat, since I spent about four (!!) weeks not getting e-mail from the internet once: Hail to the NMS and the rush manager! I've seen other musical artist "digests" out there (who shall remain nameless). Those unmoderated digests get so junky, that they are useless!! Also, perhaps there's something (a lot) to be said about the content of the NMS as it relates to the caliber of those who are Rush fans. Back to the rush-mgr: >(*) New nickname for the rush mgr: Cygnus, God of Balance - hey, he >keeps the perfect balance of heart and mind in the sphere of NMS >(corny, I know) Thanks for the great job! > [ "he"? : rush-mgr ] Well, aren't you? (or are you Megan, or are you more than one?) Will you tell us a little about yourself? [ We are more than one, and would rather remain (somewhat) anonymous and impartial. If you *really* want to know, drop me a line. : rush-mgr ] thanks, mindy "You can't get something for nothing You can't get your freedom for free." ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 5 Apr 95 11:30:25 EDT From: Bryan Pascuzzi (ACISD) <pascuzzi@ARL.MIL> Subject: CTTH, Superconductor >...ASOH, wherein lies the single most bitchen performance of "Closer to >the Heart" that I have ever run across..... I can't agree with you more! I haven't heard many people talk about how good this version really is. Imagine if they only played it live according to the studio version! Another song I rarely hear people talk about that has the most awesome kick to it is "Superconductor". I can hardly refrain from breaking things whenever I hear this. As for other musical interests besides Rush, I've noticed more than a few mention that they actually like Duran Duran. This was the most surprising of them all and I won't be afraid to admit that I like them too. I was also devastated when Living Colour broke up. I would also appreciate any information anyone might have about other projects that Skillings, Glover (besides VH1), etc. might be working on in the future. > seems like Rush gets hardly any airplay (in Boston). ..maybe if >I'm lucky one song a day. anyway how bout you guys? or gals? Here in Baltimore, MD, 98 Rock is pretty good about it, although they don't play many "obscure" Rush. One day last week I heard 4 in one day and couldn't believe it--Fly By Night, Subdivisions, Tom Sawyer (of course), and one that they NEVER play - Time Stand Still. I think they've been playing them more because they've acquired a new DJ from Canada. I think he actually is friends with Rush. His radio name is "The Bird" or is it "Byrd"? Anyone ever hear of him? He seems to have a lot of celebrity connections. Until next time.... Can't wait til the O's go back to the Skydome to sweep up the place again! Sorry, had to say it... " when the weather started to break, I started to smell certain things, and it started to feel like it was baseball time." -Cal Ripken, Jr. Welcome Back!! ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 11:32:21 -0500 From: Subject: This and That >This also is not the first time Neil has been flat out wrong. I remember one >letter to the Backstage Club asking what the "lyrics" were to La Villa on >Exit...Stage Left. Well, Neil proceded to berate this poor guy in his >response because "The lyrics are described in the album sleeve. So I guess >you didn't actually BUY the album, huh?" (I'm paraphrasing Neil here, but >that's pretty close). However, Neil misses one minor point. Those "lyrics" >are not printed on the cassette tape sleeve. Not only that, but if you ever try to follow Geddy with the lyrics printed in the liner notes, you'll realize that they're almost certainly a joke. I don't think he actually .*says* anything there. >Does anyone else get the impression (from radio or print interviews) that >Neil is just a little stuck up? I mean, granted, I probably would be too if >I was considered the best drummer in rock, but still...I love the guy as a >musician, but I don't think I'd care for him much in real life. I've heard that as well, and I do get that impression from interviews I've read, although I've always put it down to intensity and focus; when you feel strongly about whatever it is you're discussing, it's easy to come off sounding arrogant. >Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 09:41:56 EST >From: "Scott J. Epstein 212/679-7300 X7274" <> >Subject: Serling, Dos Passos, Eliot > > Why is it that everyone, when discussing Neil's literary influences, >fixates only on Rand? What about Rod Serling (Neil dedicated an album to him, >and named a song after one of his television series) or John Dos Passos >(who wrote a book titled _The Grand Design_ and one titled _The Big Money_ >and had sections called "The Camera Eye" in his USA series) Really? I didn't know that (which could be because I've never read any Dos Passos, yet). Has anyone out there read any of these? I'd be interested in hearing comparisons. >(*) New nickname for the rush mgr: Cygnus, God of Balance - hey, he keeps >the perfect balance of heart and mind in the sphere of NMS (corny, >I know) Thanks for the great job! > > [ "he"? : rush-mgr ] > Touche! We are not worhty. -----JDL------------------------------------------------------------------- "There's no bread, let 'em eat cake." -NP "I would rather starve than eat your bread." -EV "I like mine with lettuce and tomato." -JB --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 5 Apr 95 11:44:09 EDT From: (James Thomas) Subject: Misunderstood lyrics I thought the guy who thought Ged was singing "Like apple pie, tricked by circumstances" was hilarious! It reminded me of when a friend of mine thought that he was singing "Bye bye bye bye! Tricked by Circumstances!" This same guy thought that in Freewill he was singing "I will choose a bathysphere, I will choose freewill!" Thanks for reminding me! Any more miscontrued lyrics out there? - jwt 8) ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 9:23:31 -0700 (MST) From: MNW@ALPHA.SUNQUEST.COM Subject: Rush moments in other songs As Kira said, >He doesn't understand how you can >hear Rush in a song. Maybe they've never heard of Rush, but I tend to hear >Rush in a lot of music. Then again, most of the time its in a band with >four or five members, if not more, so I think we should give the boyz credit >for only having three! (Amen!) This brings up something I've been meaning to ask. Every once in a while I hear this song on the radio called "Bridge of Sighs" or something like that. Has anyone else heard this song? If so, do you agree with me that it sounds EXACTLY like The Necromancer, Into the Darkness? Is it an unbelievable rip- off, or what? Also, a few months ago there was a hit single called "Backwater" (or something like that...the chorus began "Some things - will never change"). The bridge had a guitar lick that was so Permanent Waves-y I thought I was listening to Entre Nous. Any other Rush influence sightings? --Matt ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 05 Apr 1995 13:01:00 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: tour info and binary Does anyone know of an upcoming tour/album? Just curious... Also, is there a meaning to the binary sequence(s) inside the insert on the Counterparts album? any ideas welcome... ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 10:10:12 -0700 (MST) From: MNW@ALPHA.SUNQUEST.COM Subject: The Trees Here's perhaps another take on The Trees issue...It strikes me that the song is rather more Neitzschian than Randian. Rand's view is that the "second-handers" of society, believing themselves oppressed by the creators, become parasites to the detriment of both. So far so good--it fits the song. But Rand held this situation to be the unfortunate consequence of a bad system, and that under a system of laissez- faire capitalism, NO ONE WOULD OPPRESS ANYONE. That doesn't seem to fit the song's imagery, in which the Oaks, BY THEIR NATURE, deprive the Maples of light. The imagery does, however, fit Nietzsche's world view, in which the world is made up of noble men and ignoble men, who are that way by nature, and in which the ignoble men are consumed with a "ressentiment" or undying envious hatred toward their betters. Neitzsche decried the modern trend toward democracy and equality, called the French Revolution the greatest slave revolt in history, and desired a world in which the noble men were, precisely, FREE TO OPPRESS. We know that Neil has read a lot of Neitzsche, and was especially influenced by him around the time of Hemispheres. It would also explain why he has been so notoriously close-mouthed about this song since: it certainly does NOT fit with the ideals he now embraces, namely Libertarianism and (on CP) the notion that the humblest of us can be noble in their own way. --Matt ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 11:25:57 -0600 (MDT) From: Arbon Reimer <reimera@ucsu.Colorado.EDU> Subject: Sense of HUMOR. I felt I must respond to this seeming lack of a sense of humor on the part of a few of the (oops) the readers of TNMS's part. The quote that made me rage was when someone described Neil Peart as saying "So you didn't buy the album, huh?" I think **HE WAS TRYING TO BE FUNNY!!!!*** That garbage about radioactivity at the end of ASOH video was a JOKE... Their liner notes are full of JOKES and HUMOROUS REFERENCES... c'mon people.... don't take everything the boyz say to be serious and the Truth. They could be full of shit just like we all can be. Arbon Reimer PS flame me *PERSONALLY* through email at "Some world views are spacious.... and some are merely spaced" -Peart ----------------------------------------------------------
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